Tag Archives: diet

Why Can’t I Stick To My Diet / Budget / Alarm / etc?

Google “why can’t I…” and count the hits. Now sigh in relief, you’re not alone!

There are a heap of answers people give to why we don’t do what we intended (even if we really wanted to), but in my opinion it really boils down to a few key things

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How Often Should I Weight Myself? Never.

If you are following Wellness Mission on Facebook (and I hope you are!) you may have seen my post a few weeks back about banishing the scales in 2014. It’s been two weeks since I have weighed myself, and it’s been an interesting journey to date.

Am I good enough? I need to know scales, tell me!

Banishing the scales was a challenge for me to stop judging my health on the whim of some external force (which, as you know, is fickle at best Continue reading

Your Very Own Delicious AND Nutritious Breakfast

muesli1We often put a lot of time and energy into our dinners and lunches, but somehow the first thing we eat everyday is often the least acknowledged. I know for me this is because I am usually half asleep while eating and I have the same thing everyday so it’s nothing to get excited about.

Really, when I think about it, breakfast is the one consistent meal of the day that I see 100% as fuel and this is because Continue reading

Easy Quinoa and Kidney Bean Patties

IMG_4720Hello there!

I’ve officially fallen below my 1 post a week goal for the first time, shame on me! It’s been a bit of a hectic start to September but I’ve still got loads of posts I want to share so don’t lose faith in me yet 🙂

It can be hard to always keep on top of the things we know we ought to do when times get crazy. When it gets busy it becomes easier to fall out of active stress management mode (exercise, personal time, etc) an into passive stress relief mode (e.g. zone out on couch, indulge, etc). Continue reading