Tag Archives: passion

The Ridiculousness of Self Help Stigma

Tell most people you are going to the gym to get fit and you get heaps of praise.
Tell most people you are trying to eat clean whole food and you get heaps of encouragement. Hell, you can tell most people you are doing pretty unhealthy things like crazy soup diets and obsessive amounts of running, and people are still usually accepting, encouraging and asking 101 questions about your plan to see if it could work for them too!ebcecfc41c4791c5b6afd2924a142a9a

But why is it when the topic of self-help & personal development comes into the conversation, people get weirded out? Continue reading

TGIF Sesame Dumplings with a Bean Sprout Salad

IMG_4588It’s Friday.

For me, it’s been the weekend since about 1 PM, when I made the completely selfish but unapologetic decision to ditch work after lunch. I parked myself at a sunny bistro table, indulged in a peppermint tea and decadent treat (almond cake topped with mascarpone, salted caramel-filling and fig and pear glaze), and spent a few hours dreaming big. Continue reading

Blog Share on ‘real jobs’ and wellness in the 9-5 world

Do you ever notice when you focus on something, you start seeing signs of it everywhere?

I recently decided that I needed to start planning the next phase of my career, which is definitely a step away from a corporate office and a step towards my own passionate adventure in wellness. This has been the catalyst for my blogging, my study to get my Personal Training certification, and my insane http://www.bookdepsitory.com spending lately (so many health, fitness and business books to read up on!) Continue reading