Why Can’t I Stick To My Diet / Budget / Alarm / etc?

Google “why can’t I…” and count the hits. Now sigh in relief, you’re not alone!

There are a heap of answers people give to why we don’t do what we intended (even if we really wanted to), but in my opinion it really boils down to a few key things

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Oh, here I am.


Anyone who knows projects management will know the time/cost/quality relationship of projects. Short on time? It will either cost a fortune or quality will suffer. Got a tight budget? Your quality will suffer unless you’ve got heaps of time. This is project management 101, to get something done successfully you gotta assess how you’ll manage time, money and quality.

I’ve realised this totally relates to life. When I work too much (time poor) , quality in my life suffers and I stress. My spending goes through the roof to compensate because I’m seeking expensive ‘quick’ joy (i.e. shopping, drinks, convenience). Of course these joys are external, and therefore not my own. Without a clear intent and design for this project (life), we don’t control the time/quality/cost of our life. We fall into our societal plan – can you guess what that looks like? Hint: Money trumps time everytime and quality is not balanced because it’s 100% externally provided.

Build a zoo enclosure for a human and what would be in there? I very much doubt a desk, an asinine deadline and a 10 hour days under false lighting. I very much doubt shopping malls, debt, jumbo lattes and jewellery.

If I stepped back and imagine building my perfect habitat to meet my real needs as an adult female human being, it would probably be something like this:
– a large community where I can love and experience joy
– an open space where I can breath fresh air and see the open sky
– a responsibility (job) to provide for those I love, to work physically, to feel satisfied with what I achieve and reap the benefits of the work I do
– a place clear of clutter and distraction. Clear of ‘stuff’. All things of value would be made by my community (music, art, gardens, stories)

After 3 months lost back in my ‘old tracks’, I’ve awoken and seen where overworking, overthinking and over consuming has gotten me. The old tracks are deep, but they can be relaid. It’s a new day!

A new chance to live on purpose. With purpose. For a purpose.



What Are You Really Hungry For?

The 19th century French Physiologist Claude Bernard noted that any living organism must continually be able to satisfy a number of needs in order to maintain an independent life and survive.

We know that as animals there are some basics we need to survive. Things like water, food, air, protection/shelter, safety from harm, etc. Many animals also have psychological needs required to survive like community, family, love, purpose, satisfaction, courage, confidence and so on. Having these things satisfies us and when one or several are lacking we become unhappy and unsettled until we can fulfill our needs once again.

In our abundant Western world, food is a common ‘filler’ we use to find comfort when something is lacking in life. As I write this I am in a 6 month long plateau so close to my health goals and I know what is holding me back is that I still regularly indulge in food as a way to feel good. So for the past 6 months I’ve been all about food, trying to fix a symptom because it is psychologically safer than addressing the real problem.

Avoiding the real problem is the reason so many people never reach their potential. We avoid facing the demons because they are scary. We avoid searching for what makes us hunger because we are afraid we will never find it. We aren’t worthy of it. We don’t deserve it.

My hunger is for people, community, connection. Since the day I started this blog I’ve want to say that, but even to say it now is terrifying. Sometimes having your family on the other side of the planet and being a foreigner in a different place is a challenge I don’t feel up to. Sometimes my anxiety about people’s acceptance of me is too much for me to brave new social situations or touch base with someone I really like. I fear my connections because I still struggle to see myself as worthy and lovable and not-flawed.

I just turned 29. This year as I continue on my mission of wellness I know where my development needs to be. It is not food and it is not exercise, these things are not what is holding me back. It’s loving myself and finding people to love too. I am going to keep challenging myself and my self-esteem so I can foster my existing relationships and create new ones. I am going to create a community of friends one interaction at a time despite my fears. I am going to keep working on me.

What are you hungry for?

Choc-Chia-Coco Creamy Frozen Treats

photo (4)When I was a kid my favourite frozen treat was fudgsicles – a creamy frozen chocolate treat with a concoction of some 18 ingredients including your usual culprits like sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, salt and palm oil but also downright weird stuff like tricalcium phosphate, polysorbate 80, polysorbate 65 and carrageenan. Sounds delicious right? Hmmm, funny how i never read that part of the label back when i ate garbage food.

I avoid dairy and refined sugars as much as possible these days, and I am grateful that there are no fudgsicles on my home continent of Australia. It’s just a tad bit easier to maintain self control when they are some 15,000 km away!

I was experimenting with chia pudding in the blender when I got the idea to see how it would go freezing in my popsicle mould. The result beat my expectations – it was creamy without cream, sweet with minimal sugars and all around frickin amazing. Did I mention they are vegan and raw, without even meaning to be? Oh yea. This may just be my best invention in a while, give it a go!

Chocolate-Chia-Coconut Milk Healthy Fudgsiclesphoto (3)

  • 4 tbls chia seeds
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 2-3 tbls honey/agave/maple
  • 2tbls raw cacao powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Add all the ingredients in a large seal-able container (I used a glass bottle) and shake well.
Re-shake every minute or so for 5 minutes to make sure the chia seeds don’t all clump together.
Let this mix soak in the fridge for at least 2 hours but ideally for longer (overnight is perfect).
Blitz content in a blender for a smooth consistency.
Pop into your popsicle moulds and freeze.
Eat. Ta-da!

I left a little gap at the top of my moulds and filled the gap with raw cacao nibs (YUM) and next time I think I might add these in the pop mix. You could add any mix-ins really, I want to try banana and nut butter as well!

Make these. Make these. JUST MAKE THEM AND EAT THEM, seriously!

-Angie xo

p.s. If you like this, like me on facebook for even more great updates 🙂

OMG Coconut Oil GanachĂ©

So I’m busy making some sweet potato brownies for work tomorrow (will share recipe if they are a hit) and in the recipe it calls for an icing made entirely of coconut oil, dark chocolate and vanilla essence.

I popped the mixture the fridge after melting and as it cools it obviously starts to solidify – and then you whip it. It turns into this insanely fluffy, velvety ganachĂ©. It’s frickin’ amazing!photo (2)It’s got a nice sweetness and this will pair so good with the sweet potato brownies which are intensely chocolately but not overly sweet.

When I get a chance I am going to try and vary this recipe so its 100% raw by subbing in raw cacao and honey for the chocolate and maybe swapping 1/2 the coconut oil for coconut butter. But for now, this is more than delicious and a great way to make something healthier that anyone would love.

Coconut Oil Ganaché
1 cup high quality dark chocolate melts
1/3 cup coconut oil
Tbls vanilla extract

In a small pot melt the chocolate in the oil on low heat until just melted. Take off heat, mix in vanilla and let cool. When cooled to a semi solid (as it is summer I had to put it in the fridge for this to happen) beat until fluffy and top your favourite desert/cake. Make sure to only ice your desert when it is completely cooled (ideally refrigerated) to avoid the icing melting.


– Angie

P.S. Shout out to my colleague Ivan and his fiancé Kristy for sharing this recipe with me!

What if failure was the key to success?


One of the things I have wanted to do in preparation for starting my own Personal Training business is start developing a library of one page guides that I can give to clients when they are facing common struggles/disappointments/barriers.

Today I created my first one which you can view by clicking here: What if failure was the key to success?

It’s a short lesson on why I believe people habitually fail and why this is actually a great opportunity to learn something about ourselves.

In the long run these will look sexy and professional but I am not letting myself enjoy the fun that is Photoshop (I kinda love it) until I get my study completed.  Did I mention I am not going on Facebook until I finish study either? Sometimes flexing your discipline muscle is required when you want something bad enough. Two assignments done this weekend, obviously its working!

Have a kick ass week!


Wholemeal Blueberry Pancakes…Easy Like Sunday Morning!

Hey There!

Just a quick share on some delicious pancakes currently hanging out in my happy tummy. The only thing easier than making these pancakes is eating them, and maybe reading a good book in a hammock… yep that’s pretty easy too (and what i’ve been up to on this lovely Sunday morning).

Not the prettiest picture, but at the time of eating I had different priorities!

Not the prettiest picture, but at the time  I had different priorities!

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Life is Just One Big Party!

Most people I know will agree with me that certain places give off vibes.

Walk into an upbeat, happy party and it’s infectious. Walk into a couple arguing and it’s downright depressing.

You know what I mean right?

I believe that within ourselves we also create a vibe. In the past my internal vibe was one of tension, hate and judgement. I didn’t like me, and I was not having a good time. If my internal vibe were a party, it would be LAME.

But if the party (life) is happening regardless, what point is there in having a shit party? Like, if I’m going to be partying it up for another 70 years, I’m going to want one happy, exciting and enjoyable party. Otherwise, that’s gonna be a long 70 years. If I’m having a good party, others are going to want to share it with me! But if my party is a drag, it’s going to get worse when no one wants to join in.

Your life is a party. Make it a kickass one that everyone wants to be at!

Angie xo

p.s. Are we friends on Facebook yet? We should be! http://www.facebook.com/wellnessmission

How Often Should I Weight Myself? Never.

If you are following Wellness Mission on Facebook (and I hope you are!) you may have seen my post a few weeks back about banishing the scales in 2014. It’s been two weeks since I have weighed myself, and it’s been an interesting journey to date.

Am I good enough? I need to know scales, tell me!

Banishing the scales was a challenge for me to stop judging my health on the whim of some external force (which, as you know, is fickle at best Continue reading

Tangy Gorgeous Juice to Beat the Heat!

Happy New Year!

Wow, has it been hot here in Brisbane. Temperatures hit 40°C yesterday and continue to remain hot until Tuesday, and today the city is blanketed in a thick smoke from the bush fires on nearby beautiful North Stradbroke Island. With no air conditioning in my house or car, it seemed like all weekend life circled around staying hydrated and sitting very very still. It was definitely a weekend for relaxation! Continue reading